Alberto Palazzuoli

Alberto Palazzuoli was born in 1968 and graduated in Medicine in 1994 at the University of Siena. He obtained the post degree specialization in Cardiology in 1998 and a Ph.D. in Experimental Medicine and Atherosclerosis in 2004, at the same University. He attended several foreign stages in Heart Failure and Cardiac Imaging in International recognized centers. He is Director of Cardiovascular Diseases Unit Le Scotte Hospital and he is conventional Professor at University of Siena. He is the primary investigator of several national and international studies in Heart Failure treatment and Cardiac Imaging. His principal interest of research are molecular and biomarkers analysis in heart failure with either reduced or preserved ejection fraction, coronary artery diseases and cardiovascular risk factors. He studies cardio renal crosstalk and the impact of renal dysfunction phenotypes in cardiac dysfunction. He is a reviewer of some International Journals in Cardiology and Internal medicine; he is the main author of at least 140 publications in international peer-reviewed journals in Cardiovascular field. He is a fellow of the European Society of Cardiology; he is vice-chair of the Heart Failure group of Italian Society of Cardiology.