Luca Luzzi

Luca Luzzi was born in 1972 and graduated in Medicine in 1998 at the University of Siena. He obtained in 2002 the post-graduate degree in Thoracic Surgery and was transplant registrar at Cardio-Thoracic Transplant Centre of New Castle upon Tyne in 2001. In 2006 achieved the PhD in Surgical Science and Transplant at the Università Statale di Milano with a study on the role of T regulatory cells in lung transplant tolerance and chronic rejection. From 2006 Thoracic Surgeon at the Siena University Hospital achieved specifi c competence as master in mini-invasive thoracic surgery and robotic thoracic surgery performing hundreds of surgical procedures some developing interventions never performed before in association with colleagues of others specialization. He is currently Associate Professor in Thoracic Surgery at the University of Siena and Director of the Lung Transplant Centre at the Siena University Hospital. For his experience in Thoracic malignancy from 2018 he is Adjunct Professor at the Temple University of Philadelphia, USA. He is fi rst author or co-author of 118 international publications in the fi eld of thoracic oncology and lung transplant with a H-index of 21. Elected in many committees of Scientifi c Societies received in 2022 the National Lean Prize for the Implementation of Lung Transplant Program.