
Position available 37° Cycle

Admission requirements

Applicants must be in possession of the admission requirements or gain their degree before October 30th 2021. 

Academic qualifications obtained abroad 

Academic qualifications obtained abroad, following courses lasting at least four years, must be recognized as second cycle degrees and permit admission to doctoral programs in the country in which they were awarded. 

Candidates with a foreign academic qualification must attach the following to the online application: 

a transcript, i.e. a certificate attesting to the qualification with a list of exams passed and grades, in Italian or in English, or translated into Italian or English, and a copy of any documents that may be of use in assessing the suitability of the qualification (e.g. Diploma supplement, curriculum, Declaration of Value). 

The candidate may be asked at any time to present further documentation in order to assess the admissibility of that already presented. 

Candidates with a foreign qualification are admitted conditionally to the selection procedure and will be barred from the doctoral program should, on assessment, the qualification does not meet the admission requirements. Winners must present the documentation indicated in article 5. 

The University can, by reasoned decision, exclude candidates from the selection procedure at any time if they lack the admission requirements specified in this call. 

Application procedure 

Applications must be compiled and sent electronically, using only the online enrolment procedure, at Please follow the “Application instructions” available at , and select the relevant doctoral programme. The “Applications instructions” differ according to whether or not the candidate is already registered on the portal and therefore is already in possession of a user name and password. The “Documents for evaluation” specified in the table (see art. 1 of the 3 Doctoral program competition announcement) must be sent with the online application form in electronic format. As confirmation that your application has been registered, an automatic “Application memo” will be issued. 

The application form is automatically sent to the University when the procedure at has been completed. No printed materials need to be sent or delivered to the University offices

Admission and enrolment 

There will be a single final ranking list, published on the following page: selecting the Doctoral Programme of interest. 

Successful candidates will not be notified in person. 

Places may be reserved for graduates of foreign universities, foreign grant recipients, those participating in specific international mobility programs, or recipients of research grants in the same scientific-disciplinary area as the research program, depending on their place in the ranking list, and as long as the study or research grant has the same duration as the Doctoral Research program (at least 3 years). 

The simultaneous enrolment on a first or second cycle degree, postgraduate specialization course or another Doctoral Programme is not permitted. 

Doctoral students may attend medical specialization courses at the same time as the Doctoral Programme. In this case, the duration of the Doctoral Programme is reduced to a minimum of two years (art. 19, Law 240/2010), as long as the following criteria are respected: 

a) the specialization student must have won a competition for admission to the doctoral program at the same University in which he/she wishes to attend the specialization school. 

b) joint attendance can take place during the last year of the specialization school but must be compatible with the activities and commitments provided for by the school itself, following permission from the board of the relevant school. 

c) The academic board of the doctoral program decides whether to accept requests for reductions in the program length following an evaluation of the research activities already conducted during the medical specialization school, as certified by the board of the specialization school. 

d) During the year of joint attendance, the specialization student cannot receive the doctoral research grant. 

Instructions for enrolment 

Students admitted (with or without scholarship) must present the request for enrolment by July (see rules on 

Enrolment must be completed online using the specific on-line enrolment procedure available at and following the “instructions for enrolment” available at selecting the appropriate doctoral programme. Enrolment will open and close at the dates that will be indicated at the web page 

Before completing the procedure the system generates a form for payment of the single instalment of university fees and regional taxes, as determined in articles of the Doctoral Programme call (Bando). At the end of the online procedure, when completed correctly, the student can print out the receipt of provisional enrolment. Enrolment is confirmed on payment of fees. Candidates who do not comply with the above by the prescribed deadlines will be considered to have withdrawn ipso iure. Enrolment is definitive once the credentials for admission to the programme have been verified. Until then, enrolment is conditional. 

Considering that the ranking list may be updated up to 31 December, replacement candidates, must complete enrolment, under penalty of exclusion, within six days of having received e-mail confirmation from the Ufficio per il dottorato di ricerca. The Administration declines all responsibility should the e-mail not be received due to third parties or technical problems. 

Candidates with foreign academic qualification 

Candidates who meet the requirements to enroll but hold a foreign academic qualification (from at least a four-year program) that has not been yet declared equivalent to an Italian qualification by an Italian university, must also attach an electronic copy of the following documents during the online enrolment procedure: 

The original or authenticated copies of the documentation listed above must be presented to the Doctoral admission Office (Ufficio per il dottorato di ricerca) of the University of Siena within six months of the official start of the program. Candidates who do not present the documentation regarding the foreign qualification are admitted to the program “conditionally”. They will be dismissed from the doctoral program if they do not present the documentation within six months of the official start of the program. They will also be dismissed if, on the assessment of the documents, the qualification is considered not suitable for admission to the program. 

Non-EU candidates who have passed the admission exam will be admitted to the courses as long as they have a permit to enter and reside in Italy and are legally residing in Italy (art. 39, par. 5, Legislative Decree. 25.07.1998 no. 286 as modified by art. 26 Law 30.07.2002 no. 189); they must present a copy of their passport and a valid residence permit issued by the competent authorities. Non-EU citizens residing abroad must present a copy of their passport, entrance visa and residence permit for the purpose of study issued by the competent Questura (Police headquarters). 

Successful candidates who do not complete the enrolment procedure by the deadline will be considered to have renounced their place. 

Vacancies may be made available to the next candidates in the ranking list by December 31th.

Ranking list cycle XXXVI